Everything you need to know about the micro, small and medium enterprise udyam registration portal.

On 1st of july , 2020 the union msme registration online ministry established the micro, small and medium enterprise registration portal. Both in term of flexibility and feature the site has proven its worth. Currently the platform include over 11 lakh registered msme registration online who have completed their self declaration registration procedure. This registration process was created by the finance minister as part of the prime minister assistance package in the wake of the pandemic.

The udyam registration portal excels at the paperless idea while also offering a variety of interesting service to business owner.

Highlighting the key feature of the micro, small and medium enterprise udyam registration portal.

  • Allow the applicant to submit an online micro, small and medium enterprise udyam registration application on a self declaration basis.
  • No paperwork is required because the site simply require an aadhaar card to complete the registration process.
  • Income tax and goods service tax system are fully integrated.
  • Support automatic retrieval of permanent account number and goods service tax associated detail from government database in order to find information about a company investment and turnover.

New entrepreneur registration on the udyam registration portal.

The following process can be followed by new entrepreneur seeking micro, small and medium enterprise udyam registration.

Go to the udyam registration portal.

On the screen a new page containing the aadhaar number dialogue box will display. In the blank section you must insert your 12 digit aadhaar number.

Type the entrepreneur name exactly as it appear on his aadhaar card.

Read the instruction on the screen and select the tick mark for declaration.

After that select the validate and generate one time password option.

The one time password will be sent to your registered phone number for verification purposes by the udyam registration portal.

Enter the one time password  and click the validate button.

After successful verification take the following step.

  • Enter the business structure type.
  • Permanent account number should be uploaded.
  • Accept the declaration form and click the validate button to continue.
  • As needed include the income tax return and goods service tax identification number information.

If the entrepreneur does not have a valid permanent account number card, they can use the name of the entrepreneur option to enter their name.

Fill up the field with your phone number and email address.

Next submit information on the enterprise social category and  gender as well as name.

Find the location of the plant.

Provide the official address of the company.

Next supply the former entrepreneur memorandum part two and udyog aadhaar memorandum registration number and the company status as well as banking information and  core business operation as well as national interchange code connected to activity and staff information.

Input the cost of establishing plant and machinery as well as any other pertinent information displayed on the screen.

After that accept the declaration form and select the submit and get final one time password option.

To finish the registration procedure enter the one time password.

Suggested read udyog aadhaar print download.

Migration to udyam. A step by step guide.

The steps below can be followed to re register for udyam registration.

Go to the udyam registration website.

Select the udyam re registration option.

A new tab will open for you. You had to enter your udyog aadhaar number and choose one of the one time password option.

To continue click on the validate and generate one time password tab.

To validate your udyog aadhaar number enter the one time password.

Procedure to update udyog aadhar detail.

The following are the instruction for updating your udyog aadhaar online.

Go to the udyam registration portal.

To update your information select the update details option.

You will be given two alternatives to choose from. From the drop down option choose udyog aadhar update.

A new window titled micro, small and medium enterprise udyog aadhar update will display on the screen.

For the purpose of updating provide your genuine udyog aadhaar memorandum number.

Choose an appropriate option from the list below.

  • You will receive an one time password based on your mobile number.
  • One time password sent to your email address

Display the captcha code on the computer screen.

Select the validate and  create one time password option.

Use your registered credentials such as your phone number as well as email address to enter the one time password.

Once authenticated modify the micro, small and medium enterprise udyog aadhaar details as needed.

Downloading the micro, small and medium enterprise certificate from the udyog aadhaar memorandum portal instructions.

The udyog aadhar certificate can be downloaded using the udyog aadhaar memorandum  number on the udyog aadhaar memorandum portal by following the procedures below.

Go to the udyam registration page.

Locate and pick the print option on the home page.

You will be sent to a new tab.

For downloading purposes, provide a valid udyog aadhaar memorandum number.

Enter your udyog aadhaar registered phone number.

Finally press the submit button to continue.

The gateway will deliver the one time password to the phone number you provided.

In the required field type the one time password.

Finally download the udyog aadhaar certification in printed document  format.

What is the procedure for checking the status of my udyam registration?

Go to the udyam registration page.

Type in your udyam registration number as well as your registered phone number.

Select the appropriate one time password option.

Finally select validate and generate one time password from the drop down menu.

The Benefit of udyam registration include.

The following are some of the benefits of registering with udyam.

  • Aids in the acquisition of government contract.
  • Bank loan are widely available and come with a reasonable interest rate.
  • A number of tax incentive are available to udyam.
  • Regardless of the sort of business and obtaining permit as well as permission and registration is simple.
  • It is simple to obtain credit and interest rate are inexpensive.
  • You can get tariff and tax as well as capital subsidy if you have an udyam registration certificate.
  • The cost of a patent and the cost of establishing an industry is decreased as numerous rebate and concession are applied to the cost of a patent as well as the cost of establishing an industry.
  • Also read udyog aadhaar print.


Anyone who attempts or tries to suppress the figure and fact in the micro, small and medium enterprise udyam registration with the goal to falsify the facts will be punished.

With a fine that could reach rupees1000 In the event of a first offense.

With a fine of at least rupees1000 and up to rupees 10,000 if you are convicted for a second as well as subsequent time you will be sentenced to prison.

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