Protein Vs Vitamin: What Your Body Needs the Most?

Proteins and vitamins are both essential classes of nutrients that make up an important part of a balanced diet. In fact, both these types of nutrients play major roles in the smooth working of our body. A lack of protein supply or any vitamin can bring about drastic changes in the growth of the body that can leave an everlasting, long-term impact. 

Let’s delve more into the details of the working of proteins and vitamins, which one of the two is more important for the survival our body. 

The benefits of protein:

Growing children need about 1.5 g per kg of body weight of protein to grow adequately. And adults need approximately 1 g per kg of body weight of protein to sustain the wear and tear in the body. So, if you’re an adult who weighs 70 kgs, you’ll need 70 grams of protein in your diet in order to replenish your body’s requirements. 

A growing child of 20 kgs body weight will ideally require 30 grams of protein since their body is rapidly developing and needs more protein not just for addressing the internal wear and tear but also to grow. 

Another primary function of protein molecules is to work like carriers for minerals and other important nutrients in the system. The amino acid clusters in protein molecules bind to essential minerals and transport them from one site to another thereby working both as a vehicle and a catalyst. 

Proteins are imperative not just for the growth and build up of muscles in the body but also to facilitate the entry and exit of essential molecules in and out of required sites within our vital processes. Without enough protein in the body, these processes might take a hit thereby taking a heavy toll on our physical health in due course of time. 

The benefits of vitamins:

There are many different kinds of vitamins that our body needs which are soluble in both dietary fat and water. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble while Vitamins B and C ware water soluble vitamins. 

The former type can be stored in the body if consumed in excess but the latter type of vitamins is discarded from the body even when they’re consumed more than required. Water soluble vitamins need to be complemented with water-rich foods. Here are the most important vitamins that our body needs regularly in order to function in its best capacity:

  • Vitamin A:

Healthy skin, proper vision, and a strong immune system are all reliant on vitamin A. A healthy intake of vitamin A ensures that these vital processes are carried out without any hindrance in the body. 

  • Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is imperative for the absorption of calcium in the bloodstream. Calcium directly improves bone health in the long run. In other words, vitamin D is necessary for good bone health. In addition to that, it also improves heart health, muscle health, and immune function. 

  • Vitamin E:

When our body converts food into energy, it produces plenty of free radicals as by products. These free radicals then catalyse ageing and increase the chances of falling prey to disorders sooner in life. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which is responsible for getting rid of the free radicals in the system so that our vital systems are not drastically affected by them. 

  • Vitamin K:

Vitamin K prevents clotting of blood in case of injury. Its other functions include the betterment of bone health and playing significant roles in the nervous system, heart health regulation, blood sugar optimization, and other physiological functions. 

  • Vitamin B12:

Plenty of vital functions in the human body like brain health, nervous system health, electrolyte function, metabolism, and assimilation require vitamin B in recommended quantities. Without adequate supply of the health benefits of vitamin B12, these functions suffer a serious hit and can translate into serious health issues in the long run. 

  • Vitamin C:

Like vitamin E, vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant whose primary job is to keep cells healthy and functioning optimally. It also aids in keeping bone cartilage strong and promoting better muscle mass. Dental health is also highly reliant on vitamin C.

What does your body need the most – Protein or vitamin?

Our body needs both protein and vitamins in recommended quantities. Both are essential nutrients that play different roles in our body without which our body cannot function optimally. 

Since protein are the building blocks of the body, they’re constantly required to repair the wear and tear of our system. They’re always needed to be supplemented in the diet because protein cannot be stored in the body.

Our body needs protein in healthy amounts to build muscle mass. Without enough protein, one can become malnourished due to muscle wastage. In the absence of carbs, the primary source of nutrition in the human body, the body turns to protein for producing energy. 

In other words, protein is necessary for survival. Eggs, green leafy veggies, and lean meat are excellent sources of protein. A similar ruling applies to vitamins as well. 

Although vitamins are not needed in large quantities in the body like protein, they’re still quite important. A dearth of vitamins in the body causes various deficiencies that are hard to get rid of over a period of time. 

Our body needs vitamins in microquantities just to meet the needs of the body. We don’t need more than a few grams of vitamins per day to fuel the body’s requirements. However, these minute quantities are also essential for the body to function optimally.

Bone health, nervous system regulation, maintaining electrolyte balance, and smooth functioning of the gut are all dependent on the vitamins in the system. In addition to vitamins, minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron are also required in small quantities for the synthesis of enzymes and hormones in our body, without which our cells will not be able to communicate easily among each other.

Summing it up:

All nutrients from a well-balanced diet, namely vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs, and fats work in tandem with each other to keep our physical health in the best shape. In fact, it is imperative for our body to receive a healthy, constant supply of nutrients in the system to keep topping up the amount of nourishment needed for its growth and repair.

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