How Can Shopify SEO Services Help You Grow Your Business?

So you have a Shopify store all set up. You spend a substantial amount of time opening an account, finding the perfect template that reflects your brand´s image, and pictures that make your site look awesome. You uploaded your products, images and descriptions, and set the prices. Finally, you launched your site.

Some days go by and notice that your website is really hard to find using search engines and the traffic is not as high as you had expected.

What are you doing wrong?

First of all, don’t panic. Not seeing significant increases in traffic is perfectly normal, even for those who have been on the eCommerce platform for years. There are millions of people around the world fighting for the top positions in search results, and only a few of them will make it to the first page. That’s normal, and there is nothing we can do to change how search engines work.

What professional Shopify SEO Services can do is drastically increase your chances of climbing up positions and being found by users who are actively searching for what you offer.


SEO has been part and parcel of the digital marketer’s tool belt since the invention of search engines. It can be said that SEO is the most relevant instrument for long-term success since it offers stable and durable results.

Search engine optimization is the process of fine-tuning your website according to objective performance indicators measured by search engines. Google, for example, evaluates aspects such as page load speeds, content, relevancy, page structure, backlinks, and many other factors.

The best Shopify SEO services will perform incremental adjustments to your Shopify online store to help it become more attractive for both search engines and users.

The process usually starts with thorough keyword research that allows you to do two basic things: give you a clear idea of the most valuable keywords based on factors such as industry, products, and target audience; and discover terms that are being used by your audience but are being overlooked by your competitors.

After identifying the best keywords for your campaign, you need to optimize the performance of your online store.

Optimization is done with the help of various methods and tools. Shopify offers great analytic tools that help you have a general idea of how your site is performing. However, only with the use of dedicated SEO tools can you pinpoint the issues that need to be addressed on your website can professional digital marketers effectively increase your chances of boosting your traffic and conversions.

The process of optimizing the technical aspects of your website includes reducing your page load speed through smart use of page caching, image optimization, and careful code cleanup. Some of the most popular templates and plugins contain pieces of code that remain unused or inactive but are still loaded when a user browses your page, negatively impacting your website’s performance in the eyes of Google and your visitors.

However, these changes must be accompanied by a content strategy directed towards increasing the relevance of your content and offering straight answers to your user´s questions. This is not to say that you must answer every question. It is important to build a buyer persona so your content effectively predicts the questions your audience will be asking and answers to what they want to know.

Shopify does not include a powerful content management system. However, when you hire Shopify SEO services from Genius eCommerce, you can be certain they will help you optimize all factors that are currently affecting your website´s ability to attract leads and generate more revenue.

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