What nutrition facts should all Coaches know about?

Often, coaches are considered to the first ones to offer athletes with valuable nutritional guidance. But the truth is that a good number of coaches do not know how to offer such guidance. Moreover, the laws that govern many country and sates do not authorize them to offer nutritional direction to anyone. But when sports nutrition is concerned, most players and coaches tend to base their focus mainly on muscle and weight gain. This particular plan simply lack appropriate research-based information. 

Essential nutritional facts for coaches and players to know about

  • Carbohydrates: The body is fuelled primarily by Glycogen. Carbohydrates get converted to glycogen easily. But without sufficient amount, the player is likely to experience sluggish, slow performance. Hence, it is essential to consume carbohydrates in ample amount throughout the day. This will enable the person to replace the muscle energy that is otherwise lost while performing strenuous workouts. Having carbohydrates in proper amount will also ensure that the muscles in the body are not robbed of essential protein that is necessary for energy. Athletes are recommended to take carbohydrates for about 50 grams 30-45 minutes post-workout. It should include peanut butter with bagel, Greek yogurt with granola or chocolate milk and a banana. For post-workout drinks, chocolate milk is considered to be the best. Granola honey almond is also a wonderful choice to have. 
  • Hydration: Proper hydration is vital for all athletes. It involves more water breaks while doing practice. But trying to maintain appropriate hydration might be complicated depending on the sport intensity that the person is engaged in. It varies from one person to the other and the surrounding environment. The classroom setting may experience some unique problematic scenario. As athletes progress with the day, they should make it a point to stop by the water fountain in-between classes. This can help aid hydration levels. It is necessary to understand that poor hydration only causes weight loss, fatigue and painful muscle cramps. Maintaining appropriate hydration level is essential for all athletes throughout the day. Incremental drinking of water is suggested while practicing in summer and warmer areas such as the gym. 
  • Protein: Protein timing and amount is crucial to help increase muscle strength and mass. It helps develop and repair muscles that get damaged while performing exercise. When engaged in lengthy games, tough practice and strenuous workout, excess stress is placed upon the muscles. Extremely low protein consumption will not allow proper muscle recovery after exercise. Moreover, there will not be formed new muscles. This will only lead to soreness and delayed recovery time. If planning to increase muscle strength or mass, then protein intake should be increased to 1.2-1.4 gms per bodyweight pound in a day. With each meal, it is essential to consume 20-30 gms of protein to allow protein supplementation all through the day. 

You may select to consume granola cashew with other carbohydrate and protein-based items that will do lot of good to your health.

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