What are the steps to Disable Windows 10 Auto Updates

Windows offers regular updates to the PC for fixing the issues on the interface. The new update for your Windows offers new functions and fix patches. Windows has an auto-update feature on the device. When the Windows update appears, it starts installing on the device automatically. But sometimes, the user doesn’t need the auto-updates. While working, if the update starts installing automatically; the device may run slow. Update installation on poor internet is a headache; it takes time to finish. If you don’t require auto-update when the internet is slow then disable the Windows 10 auto-update feature.

Steps for disabling auto-update in Windows 10 using the pause feature

The easiest method for disabling the auto-update is by pausing the updates. But you can use this method for disabling your auto-update for Windows 10 temporarily.

  1. Open Settings from Start 
  2. Hit on the Update and Security page
  3. Choose Pase update for 7 days option
  4. Tap on the Advanced option
  5. Change the pause period for the device

Choose the date and then you can easily disable the auto-update of your device for about 35 days. You can use this method when the system is running out of space. After disabling the auto-update, remove the unnecessary files for increasing free space and then install the new update.

Disabling Auto-update on Windows 10 using Update Services 

When you need to disable the auto-update on the Windows 10 computer permanently then use the Update Service. It will disable the auto-update permanently until you enable it manually.

  1. Open Windows 10 and go to Run
  2. On your Run wizard, type services.msc
  3. Press the Enter and the Services tab will appear
  4. Check the list and tap on Windows Update
  5. Now select Disabled on the Startup Type

Restart the computer to make changes on update settings. Now the PC won’t receive any new updates for the OS. Whenever you want to update the device, you can directly go to Windows Update Settings and tap on the Enabled option.

Disabling your Windows auto-update using Registry 

You can also disable the auto-update of Windows with registry files. But use this method when you know the steps for editing the registry files. The wrong edit on registry files can get the device into Windows Update Error 0x80070422. Use Regedit for opening the registry editor. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows. Now go to the Windows folder and choose New. Click on Key and name it WindowsUpdate. Press Enter and create a new key and name it AU. Now right-click and select New> DWORD (32-Bit). Name the key as NoAutoUpdate and tap OK. Now go to the key and set the value to 1. Close the editor and restart the computer. Now the auto-updates on PC get disabled permanently.

Disable the Auto-Update on Windows with Group Policy

Use Group Policy for disabling the auto-update feature. Type gpedit.msc on the search bar and open the Group policy editor.

Click on Computer Configuration and tap on Administrative Templates

Tap on Windows components and hit on Windows Updates

Choose Disabled on the dialog box. Now your Windows 10 device won’t get auto-update but you can easily check for updates and install them manually.

Steps for disabling auto-update for Windows 10 using Windows Update Block Utility Application

When you don’t know how to edit on the registry or group editor then you can try installing Windows Update Blocker. You have to get its setup from the web and then extract the files. Go to the exe file and choose Disable updates. Choose Protect Services Settings and then hit on the Apply Now option. If you see the status icon is red; the auto-update on the PC is disabled. 

Disabling auto-update on Windows 10 with Metered Connection

When you can’t disable the auto-update feature from the PC, try using the connection. You can put the restrictions as a metered connection. When you set the metered restrictions on the internet; your internet will work on manual jobs only. All the auto-updates and auto-downloads will be blocked. This method is used when you have low internet data. Open the Network and Internet tab. Go to Status Settings and tap on Data Usage. Tap on Enter Limit and set the limit. Now your OS or apps won’t receive any auto-updates. 

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