Know The Difference Between IAS And IPS Officer

Indian Administrative Services (IAS) and Indian Police Services are two of the most significant and well-known All India Services that existed before the autonomy of the country. IAS versus IPS banter is likewise extremely old as both administrations go about as the spine for the improvement of the country. Income and the rule of law are the two most significant parts of state organization and are identified with IAS and IPS. Both turns of events and security are basic for the advancement of the country. IAS and IPS are the two mainstays of advancement and security in India. Contenders for both administrations are enrolled through a typical assessment (Civil Services Examination) led by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). 

IAS and IPS don’t go after forces and they compete with one another. The two IAS and IPS are All India Services. Indian Administrative Service is called IAS and the Indian Police Service is called IPS. In an area, IAS and IPS officials are the two most significant officials in government organizations. IAS and IPS complete one another. Both are fundamental for the improvement of Indian culture. IAS and IPS officials are unique beginning from their positions, foundation, enrollment, preparing, unit controlling power, position, forces, and compensation. 

In cases in which taxes or revenue is involved such as Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) then the state police department does not interfere in them but central government agencies take over the type of case. For those who are not aware of the term AGR then, in that case, they can study this link about AGR full form.

Allow Us To See The Significant Contrast Among IAS And IPS

Improvement Of IAS And IPS 

Before autonomy, both the IAS and IPS administrations were overwhelmed by Europeans as a couple of Indians had the option to break the common administration’s assessment. After freedom, the administrations were opened uniquely to Indian residents, and the qualification rules were brought down for Indians. The Indian Administrative Service is a continuation of the Imperial Civil Services (ICS) in the provincial time frame. The common assistance is worried about the assortment of income from rural land and consequently the name “Authority”. It was probably the most punctual situation under the British Company and denoted the start of the renowned common administration. 

Similarly, the IPS is a continuation of the Imperial Police. Then again, the requirement for police administration was referenced without precedent in the Indian Councils Act 1861. 


The two IAS and IPS are chosen through the UPSC Civil Services Examination consistently. IAS hopefuls fill their preferred helpline in the Detailed Application Form (DAF) of UPSC and the Department of Personnel and hand over the preparation to the chosen applicants as per their position and inclination for the assistance. The vast majority of the competitors fill IAS as their best option and IPS as their subsequent option. 

The fame of IAS can be perceived from the model that UPSC Civil Services Exam is famously known as IAS Exam. IAS beats any remaining public administrations in the common administration test and, all things considered, as well. 

Unit controlling position 

The Cadre Controlling Authority is the concerned service that manages the posting and move of officials. The two IAS and IPS are All India Services, however, both have diverse Cadre Controlling Authorities. The Ministry of Personnel is the Cadre Controlling Authority for the IAS. This service reports straightforwardly to the Prime Minister of India.

UPSC sends the suggestion rundown of possibility to the Ministry of Personnel after the common administrations’ test result and from that point, the subtleties of the multitude of applicants are imparted to their Cadre Controlling Officers. 

In-state DGP, where DGP full form will be Director General of Police will have complete governance over states police in which they have been appointed.


All recently chosen IAS and IPS officers join Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) for quite a long time, a normal establishment course. After the establishment course, IAS officials stay in LBSNAA and any remaining officials go to their specific preparing foundations. IPS official learners go to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy (SVPNPA) Hyderabad for the rest of their preparation. IAS probationers have a two-year preparing program, yet IPS officers go through over two years of preparation. 

IAS is more worried about the administration, coordination, and organization of preparing assets and labor. IPS preparation incorporates actual preparation and different laws needed for law requirement exercises. Preparing for IPS is more troublesome and requires more actual work. This incorporates horseback riding, marches, weapons preparation, and other significant things needed for law requirements. 

Forces And Responsibilities 

Following a couple of long stretches of administration, some IAS officers get the posting of District Magistrate (DM). The DM is the facilitator at the area level with the position to make choices. He is the managing official of all area-level advisory groups and departmental gatherings.

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